Title: Berrydale Foods’ Exotic Journey: Bringing the Essence of Indian Mangoes to Japan
タイトル: ベリーデール・フーズ社のエキゾチックな旅: インドのマンゴーのエッセンスを日本へ Introduction: The flavorful saga of Berrydale Foods’ foray into the Japanese market is a testament to the enchanting allure of Indian mangoes and the unwavering dedication of a passionate team. From humble beginnings to widespread recognition, their journey symbolizes the harmonious fusion of two vibrant cultures, united by a shared love for […]
The Sweet Symphony of Indian Mangoes: A Feast of Flavors and Heritage
Introduction: In the scorching summer heat of the Indian subcontinent, there is a beacon of joy that unites people from all walks of life – the succulent and tantalizing Indian mango. With a history spanning centuries, these mango varieties have not only captivated the taste buds of millions but have also earned their place as […]
First Consignment to Japan (2022)
Source: Krishi Jagaran In a major boost to export, Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) facilitated the season’s first consignment of fresh Mangoes exported from Mumbai to Japan on March 26, 2022. Alphonso and Kesar varieties of Mangoes were exported by M/s. Berrydale Foods (OPC) Pvt. Ltd., a registered exporter of APEDA to […]